August 28, 2008

Sarah: Sweet Slumber

Any delusions I had about the aural privacy of my home were pretty much dashed when, while reading in bed, I was serenaded by my neighbor's snores. I guess that discussion Lisa and I had about how Nipples Are Not For Strangers was not as private as we might have hoped.

Posted by sarah at August 28, 2008 09:44 AM

It certainly wasn't private. But parts were a little fuzzy. Can I have you guys just talk into the silk plant by the television? I hear it really does the silk well.

Posted by: Jeremy on August 28, 2008 10:07 AM

So... Today I was talking with my friend about how large nipples are disturbing. Then our teacher agreed with us. We didn't know he was standing there. And it was awkward.

Posted by: Mallory on August 28, 2008 03:22 PM
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