November 23, 2007

Sarah: How I Spent My Time Today

In the last few minutes of Nov. 23, a quick run-down:

How I Spent My Time:
-Listened to my dad recite an elegy to lull the baby to sleep.
-Visited the Co-Op Mercantile in Ephraim, Utah. Remembered why I sometimes have "craft" shame. There were some adorable handcrafted items. And lots of ugly items, including countless fairy dolls with creepy, toothy grins.
-Chatted with some of the many talented artists that live in this little town of Spring City.
-Talked my grandma out of buying a hideous neon pink ensemble for Nora, only to have her purchase a second hand grass green sweatshirt with balloon-holding pandas embroidered across the chest. I'm sorry, Nora, I didn't realize that this would happen.
-Laughed, and laughed, and laughed. My family is pretty great. We played Speed Scrabble and Apples to Apples, plus countless crossword puzzles (and a little sudoku on my own).

How I Didn't Spend Time, But Should Have:
-Sent an email to all of the Ornament Swap participants giving them the information of their swap-mates. Tomorrow, I promise!

Now I'm headed to bed because the agenda for tomorrow is quite busy. We'll be putting up Christmas decorations, getting a tag so we can cut down a tree, and buying a few pumpkin shakes at the local Drive-In.

Posted by sarah at November 23, 2007 12:54 AM
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