June 22, 2005

Sarah: Happy Father's Day, Indeed

My dad is generally reserved and soft-spoken. He avoids scandal, and never speaks of anything that could possibly make someone uncomfortable. He usually leaves the dirty jokes to my mom (I mean that in a good way... she's hilarious.), but not on Father's Day. As is the tradition with any gift-giving holiday, following dinner, we give gifts during dessert. So in preparation for this activity, my mother turned to me and said "Sarah, go downstairs and get the tart" after which my dad said "This is going to be a GREAT Father's Day."

I guess the confusion was whether I was assigned to fetch the dessert or the gift.

Posted by sarah at June 22, 2005 03:17 PM

This has nothing to do with Fathers or their special day, But I was just watching Fox and next season they are going to have a new show called Bones.. Guess who's in it? DAVID BOREANAZ. Thats right. I thought you should be informed. have a lovely day!

Posted by: Mallory on June 26, 2005 11:06 PM

WHAT???? This must be investigated immediately.

Posted by: lisa on June 27, 2005 09:17 AM
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